1. General
1.1 These General Terms and Conditions apply to all offers and agreements of Wepublic B.V. and any subsequent agreements and new agreements with the same Client(s).
1.2 The applicability of any purchasing or other conditions of the Client is expressly rejected.
1.3 Deviations from these General Terms and Conditions are only valid if expressly agreed in writing by Wepublic B.V. have been accepted.
1.4 If any provision of these General Terms and Conditions is void or annulled, the other provisions of these General Terms and Conditions will remain in full force and effect. The parties are obliged to provide for the situation that has arisen as much as possible in accordance with the void or annulled provision.
2. Offers, price and payment
2.1 Offers are only binding if they are made in writing and accepted in writing by the Client. The payment to Wepublic B.V. compensation to be paid for the services provided will be charged by Wepublic B.V. and Client included in the Agreement.
2.2 All prices are exclusive of sales tax (VAT) and other levies imposed by the government.
2.3 It says Wepublic B.V. free to increase prices. Unless otherwise agreed, the price is determined on the basis of the number of hours and the applicable hourly rates and any other expenses. These prizes are awarded annually by Wepublic B.V. established.
2.4 Payment of invoices is made within fourteen (14) days after the invoice date. Payments must be made in the agreed currency and without settlement, discount and/or suspension.
2.5 In the event of late payment, the Client owes interest of 1.5% per month on the outstanding invoice amount (plus any interest) from the moment the payment term is exceeded. Wepublic B.V. reserves the right to assign the claim for collection.
2.6 All within reason by Wepublic B.V. Judicial and extrajudicial costs incurred, including costs of legal assistance, will be borne by the Client. These collection costs amount to at least 15% of the outstanding invoice amount including VAT and interest, with a minimum of € 50.00.
2.7 Every payment by the Client is primarily intended to settle the collection costs owed by him and will therefore be deducted from the interest owed by him and subsequently from the longest outstanding claims, regardless of any conflicting indications by the Client.
2.8 The Client can only object within 14 days of receipt of the invoice.
3. Subject of agreement
3.1 Wepublic B.V. will make every effort to perform its services with care, where appropriate in accordance with the agreements and procedures recorded in writing with the Client. All services of Wepublic B.V. are carried out on the basis of a best efforts obligation, unless and to the extent stated in the written agreement Wepublic B.V.
has expressly promised a result and the relevant result has also been described with sufficient specificity in the agreement.
3.2 Wepublic B.V. will make every effort to monitor the functionality of its online platform when performing its services, and to keep security and backup functions ready, so that you can quickly – partly automatically – to ensure high availability.
3.3 Wepublic B.V. is not obliged to follow instructions from the Client in the performance of its services, especially if this concerns instructions that change or supplement the content or scope of the agreed services. However, if such instructions are followed, the relevant work will be reimbursed
in accordance with the usual rates of Wepublic B.V.
3.4 Wepublic B.V. does not guarantee that the services provided in the context of services (and related software) are entirely error-free. Wepublic B.V. does not guarantee that defects in services that were not caused by Wepublic B.V. has been developed will be remedied. Wepublic B.V. is entitled to implement temporary solutions, program bypasses or problem-avoiding limitations in the software.
4. Liability
4.1 Wepublic B.V. is not liable to the Client, its employees and third parties for material and immaterial damage or adverse consequences arising from actions performed within the formal circle of authority or otherwise related to the work for the Client, without prejudice to liability for damage caused intentionally or coarse
4.2 To the extent that liability for this is not excluded, it is limited to the amount that Wepublic B.V. received in the context of the Client's assignment.
4.3 Wepublic B.V. is not liable for or bound by obligations entered into in the context of the assignment with or on behalf of the Client, its employees or third parties. The Client indemnifies Wepublic B.V. for any resulting damage to the Client, its employees and third parties, as well as for damage suffered by them in the manner as in paragraph 1 of this article.
4.4 The right to claim damages expires six months after the claim becomes known.
4.5 If an Agreement is agreed with a duration of several years, liability is limited to a maximum of the amount of the price agreed for one year. Under no circumstances will the total compensation for direct damage exceed the amount paid out by the insurer of Wepublic B.V.
4.6 The liability of Wepublic B.V. due to attributable shortcoming in the performance of an agreement only arises if the Client Wepublic B.V. immediately (maximum within 14 days after establishing the defect) and properly in writing, stating a reasonable period to rectify the defect, and Wepublic B.V. continues to fail imputably in the fulfillment of its obligations even after that period. The notice of default must contain as detailed a description as possible of the shortcoming, so that Wepublic B.V. is able to respond substantively. In the case of a consumer purchase, a period of two (2) months applies by operation of law for reporting grounds for complaint after it has arisen, or at least two (2) months after the moment that the grounds for complaint could reasonably have been discovered.
4.7 The Client indemnifies Wepublic B.V. for all claims from third parties due to product liability as a result of a defect in a product or system that was supplied by the Client to a third party and that also consisted of Wepublic B.V. software or other materials supplied, except if and insofar as the Client proves that the damage was caused by that equipment, software or other materials.
4.8 Wepublic B.V. has professional and business liability insurance with a Dutch insurance company. The professional liability insurance covers damage up to an amount of € 500,000 per claim. The business liability insurance covers damage up to an amount of € 1,250,000 per claim with a maximum of twice the insured amount for claims submitted to the insurer in any insurance year. If the client's interest to be insured exceeds the insured amount, Wepublic B.V. upon written request, make every effort to take out higher insurance coverage at the expense of the client.
4.9 Except to the extent that it is legally impossible, any liability of Wepublic B.V. limited to the amount paid out in the relevant case under the liability insurance(s) taken out by it, plus the applicable amount of the deductible that is not borne by the insurer(s) according to the policy conditions. If and insofar as no payment is made under the insurance in question for whatever reason, any liability is limited to an amount of € 25,000 or, if authorized by Wepublic B.V. fee charged in the case in question is higher, up to that amount with a maximum of € 100,000.
5. Overmacht
5.1 Wepublic B.V. is niet gehouden tot enige nakoming van enige verplichting jegens de Opdrachtgever indien Wepublic B.V. daartoe verhinderd wordt als gevolg van een omstandigheid die niet is te wijten aan schuld, en noch krachtens de wet, een rechtshandeling of in het verkeer geldende opvatting voor haar rekening komt. Tot deze omstandigheden behoort in ieder geval: oorlogsgevaar, oorlog, opstand, molest, stakingen, boycot, bedrijfsstoring, storingen in het verkeer of transport, storingen in (data)netwerken, maatregelen van overheidswege, schaarste aan grondstoffen, natuurrampen, brand, atoomkernreacties, machinebreuk en overigens alle omstandigheden, waaronder gehele of gedeeltelijke nakoming van de verplichtingen door Wepublic B.V. naar redelijkheid en billijkheid niet gevergd kan worden.
5.2 Indien de periode van overmacht zoals bedoeld in art. 5.1 langer duurt dan twee maanden, dan zijn Partijen gerechtigd de Overeenkomst te ontbinden, zonder daarbij de door de ontbinding veroorzaakte schade van de andere partij te vergoeden.
5.3 Voor zover Wepublic B.V. ten tijde van het intreden van de overmacht als bedoeld in art. 5.1 van de Overeenkomst haar verplichtingen uit de Overeenkomst reeds (gedeeltelijk) was nagekomen, en aan het nagekomen gedeelte zelfstandige waarde toekomt, is Wepublic B.V. gerechtigd om dat reeds nagekomen gedeelte separaat te factureren in overeenstemming met het
bepaalde in de Overeenkomst.
6. Zorgvuldigheid en geheimhouding
6.1 Wepublic B.V. zal de grootst mogelijke zorgvuldigheid betrachten bij het gebruik van de informatie die haar in het kader van de opdracht ter kennis is gekomen.
6.2 Elk der partijen garandeert dat alle van de andere partij ontvangen gegevens waarvan men weet of dient te weten dat deze van vertrouwelijke aard zijn, geheim blijven, tenzij een wettelijke plicht openbaarmaking van die gegevens gebiedt. De partij die vertrouwelijke gegevens ontvangt, zal deze slechts gebruiken voor het doel waarvoor deze verstrekt zijn.
6.3 Wepublic B.V. neemt alle passende technische en organisatorische maatregelen om de gegevens van Opdrachtgever te beveiligen tegen verlies of enige vorm van onrechtmatige verwerking. Deze maatregelen garanderen een passend beveiligingsniveau gelet op de gevoelige aard van de gegevens van de Opdrachtgever.
6.4 Wanneer Wepublic B.V. in het kader van een Overeenkomst met opdrachtgever optreedt als ‘verwerker’ in de zin van de Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG), dan zal Wepublic B.V. conform de met haar in het kader van die opdracht gesloten ‘Verwerkingsovereenkomst’ omgaan met de op haar servers aanwezige persoonsgegevens van derde partijen.
6.5 Wepublic B.V. verwerkt verstrekte persoonsgegevens in het kader van de tenuitvoerlegging en totstandkoming van een Overeenkomst in overeenstemming met haar Privacy- en Cookiestatement. Voorafgaande aan het verstrekken van enige persoonsgegevens dient de Opdrachtgever de Privacy- en Cookiestatement van Wepublic B.V. gelezen te hebben.
7. Personeel
7.1 Het is Opdrachtgever niet toegestaan werknemers van Opdrachtnemer in dienst te nemen, in te huren of op andere wijze te contracteren tijdens de duur van de Overeenkomst en daarna gelegen periode van 12 maanden, tenzij partijen schriftelijk anders zijn overeengekomen.
7.2 In geval van inbreuk op het voorgaande lid is Opdrachtgever een direct opeisbare boete van € 30.000,- (dertigduizend euro) aan Opdrachtnemer verschuldigd in verband met de terbeschikkingstelling, werving en/of opleiding van de desbetreffende werknemer, alsmede € 3.000 (drieduizend euro) voor elke dag dat Opdrachtgever in zijn inbreuk blijft volharden, onverminderd het recht van Opdrachtnemer de werkelijk geleden schade op Opdrachtgever te verhalen.
8. Intellectual property
8.1 All current and future intellectual property rights vested in or associated with Wepublic B.V. Documents provided such as models, software, presentations, assignment definitions, assignment plans and transfer documents used for the execution of the assignment are and will remain the property of Wepublic B.V. at all times. unless otherwise expressly agreed. Wepublic B.V. and the Client are only entitled to publish or multiply the documents and data carriers provided to each other in the context of the assignment, if mutual written permission has been given to do so.
8.2 The Client may not copy, reproduce or republish any brand, figures, graphics, logos, buttons, icons, images, and the selection and arrangement thereof, or any underlying source code and software. , downloading, making public, broadcasting or transferring for commercial or public purposes without the prior written consent of Wepublic B.V.
8.3 The Client will retain the intellectual property rights of Wepublic B.V. will not contest it in or out of court, nor will he register any intellectual property right himself.
8.4. It is Wepublic B.V. permitted to use the Client's name and logo for marketing purposes, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
9. Duration and termination
9.1 If there is an Agreement between the Client and Wepublic B.V. is entered into that concerns the provision of services for a specific duration, this duration (or, if it concerns a provision of services that is not limited in time, a statement thereof) will be included in the Agreement.
9.2 Parties have the right to terminate the Agreement in writing in the manner agreed between the parties in the Agreement.
9.3 Wepublic B.V. has the right to terminate the Agreement in whole or in part without notice of default and without judicial intervention by written notice with immediate effect if: a. a Client is granted a suspension of payments;
b. bankruptcy is requested or declared with regard to the Client;
c. Client infringes the rights of third parties;
d. In the event of recurring payment problems (of parts) of invoices, provided that the Client is properly in default
10. Other provisions
10.1 Wepublic B.V. reserves the right to change the General Terms and Conditions by written notice to the Client. If the Client has not responded within 30 calendar days after notification of the changes, the new General Terms and Conditions apply or are deemed to have been accepted.
10.2 To the extent that any provision of these General Terms and Conditions conflicts or is inapplicable with any provision of an Agreement, the provisions of the Agreement shall prevail. The applicability of the Client's General Terms and Conditions is hereby expressly excluded.
10.3 If Wepublic B.V. does not at any time exercise any right or remedy available to it under the Agreement, this will not be considered or interpreted as a waiver of that right or remedy.
11. Applicable law / disputes
11.1 These General Terms and Conditions as well as the agreements are governed by Dutch law. Any disputes will be settled by the competent court in Amsterdam.
11.2 Wepublic B.V. has a Dutch and English version of the general terms and conditions. In case of discrepancy, the Dutch version prevails.