Be informed and know what to do

Our tools help you work smarter and anticipate faster. Tools that provide you with a ‘second brain’ through political interpretation by political advisors, create space in your mind and help you make better choices. This way, you have a stronger grip on socio-political realities.

This way, you have a stronger grip on socio-political realities. This way, you have a stronger grip on socio-political realities.

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All the concepts of Wepublic

Our tools help you work smarter and anticipate faster. Tools that provide you with a ‘second brain’ through political.

Stakeholder Analysis

A thorough analysis of your stakeholder field and the broader context is essential to properly understand the perspective of your stakeholders and society.

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We provide integrated advice in the field of communication and public affairs, clarifying and strengthening our clients' positions. Our consultants seek out the authentic story of organizations and continuously connect their work with the complex external environment.

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Interim management

We provide experienced professionals who are hands-on and know what works. Whether it's on-the-job support, leading a department, managing a crisis, or implementing strategic changes, our interim professionals ensure continuity and help your organization achieve its desired goals.

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We provide you with the right research to make well-informed decisions. Whether it’s benchmarks to compare your performance with the market, detailed stakeholder analysis that clarifies the influence of your key stakeholders, or sentiment analyses that reveal the perception of your organization or sector, we offer a reliable compass for strategic decisions that lead to tangible results.

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Corporate Affairs Benchmark

The corporate affairs benchmark is a unique study that provides insight into how organizations have structured their public affairs and communications functions.

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